Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A LABOR of love....

I have decided to post the encouragement we discussed at our first FCA Greater Fort Worth Coaches Wives Brunch this summer. Several years ago a sweet wife that I admire gave me this word and it has been a great reminder to me, and to share it with you has given me a good refresher! Thought I would share the whole thing and then break down the letter L for us today, as well as focusing on LOVE this week...

L - ove your man!

A - ccept him for who he is!

B - uild a life TOGETHER!

O - ffer yourself to him!

R - espect him!

"An excellent wife who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. The heart of her husband trusts her." Proverbs 31:10-11

A LABOR of love...
Love your man:
*Let him know you love him, say it. Show it.
*Anticipate ways that will express that love.
*Have little surprises that let him know you LOVE HIM!
*Show love by keeping life light-hearted! (They take life pretty serious!)
*Wait up for him sometimes, not for anything but to tell him you love him and you are thankful for him.


The Shupe's said...

I am not sure if you will remember me or not...We were in Kappa Delta together (Jodie Wheat). Just as I looked up to you in KD I now look up to you as a godly wife and mother. Your writings are so thought provoking. Your family is beautiful and I pray God's richest blessing for you all!
Love in Christ,
Jodie Wheat Shupe