Sunday, December 14, 2008

L-A-B-O-R of love continued....

Okay ladies so I thought I would finish up our labor of love thoughts...

B-uild a life together:
*Try to make him laugh
*Learn to do the things he loves to do
*Make life an adventure, don't stop dating or pursuing each other
*Don't pout, just plan it!

---I have to do an insert here...I know it is hard not to pout, especially when they have not been as available as we would all want...but I can say that I have wasted a lot of precious moments, however brief they may be with pouting and refusing to communicate...It is so much better to communicate, be available, and then be willing to make a plan or roll with the always thoughts or ideas on this would be do you Build a life together with your husband?

O-ffer yourself to him:
*You can chase! Be impossible to resist!
*Don't do totally out of your comfort zone, but live a little! Keep life interesting!
*And this doesn't just mean physically. Offer your WHOLE being to your husband. Body, mind, heart and soul.
*Again, don't pout just plan it! If he is not romantic, meet him in the middle and give a little. You can be creative.

R-espect him:
*Give him the proper place in your home
*Speak highly of your husband to your family
*Allow him to be the can be the neck!!
*Honor his day, respect what he has to do and all the pressures he is dealing with. Again, be the compliment. Don't repress your feelings, just communicate. But do it without nagging!
*Good communication is key, give him a chance to serve you too...let him know how can respect you, serve you and love you better...they don't know if you don't tell them! Bless their hearts!

The last part of this encouragement is found in a quote from Phyllis Altop, wife of Hall of Fame coach and FCA baseball National Director David Altop. "We interrupt this marriage to bring you the _____________ season!" You fill in the blank to what sport/activity that you feel interrupts your marriage, then make a choice to labor in love alongside your husband this season. It truly depends on your ability to make a choice to work TOGETHER!

"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back to back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12

Praying for you, love you and would love to hear from you!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Save the Date: January 17, 2009!

Ladies we have our next brunch scheduled for January 17, 2009 and have Carolyn Allen, who wrote the Coach's Wife, coming to offer some great encouragement! These are great opportunities to relax and connect with other wives. Please start letting other wives know and make a plan to come and enjoy a beautiful brunch, some great fellowship, gifts for you and strength for the journey! Stay connected and watch for details.

Just Keep Stirring...

Today Toby shared the devotional that he was using for his area coaches and I could not help but send it your way, it ministered to me and I am hoping it does the same for you!

The Big 12 Championship game was fast approaching and I was making some of my famous hot wings for a half-time grub. My almost three-year-old son Cade wanted to help Dad out in our preperation of man-food. So, as always, he pushed a chair over to the counter and asked what to do. I put out a huge bowl and gave him a whisk. He had one job. Stir.

At almost 3 yrs old, he had no idea what ingredients to use, when to put them in, and how much to use. All he needed to do was stir. I took care of the rest. I added just the right ingredients, at the right time, in the right quantity, and made sure he wasn't stirring too fast or too slow. When he needed guidance, I gave it. When he was stirring too fast, I slowed him down. When he wasn't going fast enough, I encouraged him to get going.

Whatever life spot you are in as a Coach, You have steps you want to take, dreams you want to be realized, worries you want gone. You may question your calling, what the meaning of all this is, how it all fits together, and where on earth you will end up. The great news is that God has been here before. All he needs you to do is keep stirring.

"So here's what I think. The best thing you can do right now is to finish what you started last year and not let those good intentions grow stale. Your heart's been in the right place all along. You've got what it takes to finish it up, so go for it. Once the commitment is clear, you do what you can, not what you can't. The heart regulates the hands." -2 Corinthians 8:10-14

Cade didn't care what ingredients were going in, he knew that in the end, Dad knew best and it would taste great. His heart regulated his hands. He didn't try to take control, he did what he could...stirring, and knew that I would take care of ther rest.

In this season of financial stress, seasons ending and seasons beginning, know that all God needs you to do is stir. You're heart is in the right place, You've got what it takes to finish it up, let God take care of the ingredients, timing, and results. Just keep stirring.

Coaches, may you and your family know that your are called and blessed to "keep stirring" your influence in everything you do.

Toby Trotter